Parsons Scholars Program
November 15th, 2014 | Posted by Alaiyo
Nadia Williams is the director of the Parsons Scholars Program. All of the chosen students are from NYC public schools, representing all of the boroughs. At any given point, their students represent about 30 different public schools.
-As an access program, they recognize that the issues that prevent students from pursuing college (and particularly areas such as art and design) are varied.
Some students don’t have art in their high schools. Others have specialized art programs, but don’t have the individualized attention required by the college admissions process. So the Scholar students represent a range of high schools.
-The program views access as twofold. Their students (all from low-income backgrounds and most will be the first in their family to complete college) benefit from the resources of Parsons, the high quality education provided, and their incredible program staff and faculty. And they (Parsons), also benefit greatly from the students’ contributions. The Scholars are NYC residents with insight into how their city works (what works well and what doesn’t), and many with commitment to improving their communities. So their insight is invaluable in an institution that aims to propose positive social changes.
The Parsons Scholars Program recruit 10th graders every fall. More info at
1818 Newkirk Avenue #4C
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(917) 733-0469 (917) 733-0469