Welcome to the website of Alaiyo Bradshaw: A visual journalist, exhibiting artist, product designer and college professor at Parsons School of Design. Alaiyo is available for illustration as well as private commissions and special drawing and painting lessons. Alaiyo is a personable and fast worker who supplies options for your conceptual needs. She will speak directly with you until it is completely understood how you as the client will be working with Alaiyo and her services. Alaiyo works across the field of Illustration. Her diverse experience means she can come up with ideas for work related to editorial, children’s books, advertising, publishing, flyers, brochures, websites, props for plays, targeted professional magazines, newspapers, merchandising, young readers anthologies, posters, book jackets, storyboards, murals, commercial product lines and more. Give her a challenging project, and she will be sure to meet your deadlines.
Alaiyo accepts guest articles. Please contact her if you have something to share. See the latest post.
Alaiyo is a designer who works with global creators and makers to turn out beautiful products. Proceeds from the items provide literacy programs to their makers.

“Nest,” Alaiyo’s design for a Modal scarf. More of her collection can be seen at https://www.alaiyobradshaw.com/product-collection
1818 Newkirk Avenue #4C
Brooklyn, NY 11226
(917) 733-0469 (917) 733-0469